Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beginning My iPad Journey

Our school has formed a technology committee this year as a result of the proposal that you all read about in a previous post. Our district technology coach agreed to allow members of the committee to pilot iPads for the upcoming school year. We have 7 in our building that we are currently piloting. I have been very excited about the possibilities that the iPads are providing us with in education and have begun compiling some very intriguing apps.

I brought the iPad home, of course, to play and explore. My children (ages 3, 6, and 9) have completely taken it over. They would play it 24/7 and I'm not exaggerating! The video above is my 3 year old learning from a great app during my daughter's girl scout meeting. Please excuse the watermark. I'm trying out a converter that will take my mobile videos and convert to web format. (Fingers crossed it works!)

I can't wait to see where this device takes us this year!


  1. Kids are naturally drawn to the iPad, it is like moths to light! Looks like fun learning to me!

  2. I use my iPad in the classroom. My fav (teachers-must-have) app it Toontastic. Kids have developed many digital cartoons. We've used it in Lit class and science thus far. Here's an example http://toontube.launchpadtoys.com/5036/
    have fun!!
